
Studying is a beneficial activity involving the use of the mental, rational and imaginative faculties! Indeed, in this age where information and technology is an indispensable aspect of most fast-paced civilisations and highly progressive individuals, one is merely forced to get “clued-in”, or of course, deal with the cankerous burden of ignorance. It is vital to acquire knowledge in the most effective way. Your ability to study and retain effectively will always place you ahead in your career; in your academics and professional life.

As a student, a professional, an educator, a manager…whatever your state of life may be, your effectiveness in reading , studying, and retaining facts, concepts, ideas as well as storing valuable information could be of immense benefit to the growth of your profession and enhancement of your overall success in life. The good news is, its simple and straight-forward to learn this!


The time for study is a “solemn” moment and it should be treated as such. You wouldn’t normally appreciate any interference when doing a determined business. The rules of studying is the same. Distractions are basically any form of counter-productive interference while studying; its just not needed!How do you trouble shoot this? Get a reading spot void of any sort of noise, human or environmental. Turn off any form of device such as music, TVs, etc.; this would give you the concentration level you need.


Taking notes is crucial to study and retaining of information effectively. The power of profound learning is in the ability to reproduce what has been learnt. While studying, ensure to jot key points, facts and ideas on a sheet or notepad. You could choose to highlight, underscore or quote vital infos. The idea is to be able to relate easily and remember the basic points even after you take a break. Utilising mnemonics will be another useful way to recall facts!


Avoid cramming! Its really that simple. Bring it to life! It’s valuable to consistently attempt relating what is been studied to real life experiences. It’s a method that guarantees easy retaining and recall of what is studied. While you do this, be sure to space your reading. If you’ve got an essay, assignment, presentation or exam to take, preparing long time enough ensures you don’t have to panic for lack of ideas. Reading, re-reading and reiterating gives you the understanding you need.


What’s your opinion on the most effective style of studying? Feel free to share your thoughts



One of the greatest achievements in life is self-mastery and peace of mind. Your peace is still one of the most important goals you should aim to achieve in life. Oftentimes, we unwittingly starve ourselves of joy and happiness by holding tenaciously to crippling beliefs,  past hurts and ill-fated grievances. For a fact, two things seem constant in life: one is the dynamism of a consistent change, and another in my opinion, is human frailty. We beget the tendency both for greatness as well as the demeaning tendency to be beastly! But we can CHOOSE to go for greatness and nobility by letting go of those retrogressive proclivities; those hurts, grievances and negative attitudes that get us stuck in life.

Why it hurts to keep hurting.

People will often hurt you. Circumstances will sometimes prove unfavorable; you will be disappointed at some points and so on. This is typical of life. But your approach and reaction to such circumstance is entirely your decision to make. Every time you dwell on past hurts and negative circumstances, you produce more results consistent with  negative, hateful, hurtful feelings and realities.

Beyond, the spiritual downsides to holding grudges and hateful feelings, it is both stressful and absolutely inimical to your mental and physical wellbeing.( A good number of our ailments can be tied to how we feel, by the way!).  Deep down, if you’re sincere with yourself, you’d realise its painstaking to put yourself together at such moments. It’s interesting to note that virtually all aspects of our success in life is hinged on how we feel and think about ourselves and others. If your feelings and thoughts are consistently good, you’re most likely to have more positive people, events and circumstances around you. If you often feel negative, disgruntled, hateful and frigid about others, it simply tells in the results you get.

You Are Justified in getting Hurt

Make no mistakes about it, when you’re offended or hurt about someone or something in your life, you’re absolutely right to feel bad. That’s absolutely normal and no one should deprive himself of the right to feel this way. But the question you may want to address is, whether it pays to be right or it proves healthier to be happy. You probably want to go for happiness. I think its your best choice. Your ability to achieve your peace of mind is largely a factor in determining your overall success and happiness in life.

Your Happiness Depends on You.

Mahatma Gandhi once said:
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in


Your overall happiness depends on you, your attitude and your perspective about life. No one is responsible for what goes on  in your life; You are! A whole lot of good can be gained from embracing and displaying a positive attitude. Whats going on in you is absolutely more important than what’s outside of you. Inner peace, contentment, and happiness are fruits of a positive attitude.

Many fall in love with their suffering: they think about their problems and pains all the time. They say it, imagine it, think it and actually live it. What is your attitude to life?  Indeed, its a beautiful decision to embrace peace and joy. As a matter of fact, you can choose today to employ your heart, mind and thoughts in that which is positive , friendly, joyful, and consistently great.
Take responsibility and forgive. Yes forgive! Actually, you forgive not because you grant others a favour; no, you forgive so you can experience spiritual, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual freedom. Forgive your past; your present. Forgive your friends. Forgive your parents. Forgive the government. Forgive the system. Forgive your leaders. Forgive nature. Forgive God! In your heart of hearts, forgive Yourself. Decide once and for all to be free; to experience freedom and bask in the ambience of a peaceful thrill, joy, cheerfulness, healthy-living, self-actualisation and ultimately fulfilment! You were made for happiness! LET IT GO!


networking imageIn our last post on TOP MOST POWERFUL SKILLS GLOBAL LEADERS REQUIRE IN THE 21ST CENTURY, I identified Visionary leadership as key to highly effective leadership today. I’d like to share some thoughts on SELF-KNOWLEDGE, NETWORKING AND STRATEGIC THINKING as quintessential traits worth acquiring in global leadership.

I believe the importance of Self-knowledge as a key peculiarity for effective leadership is incontestable. Throughout history, there has never been a more suitable time to articulate the need for self-knowledge, self-development and self-understanding as a criterion for excellence in leadership. For a fact, there can be no societal, institutional as well as positive global impact if leaders lack a good awareness of the SELF. It is an ancillary quality which in itself rocks the bedrock of all qualities that may be thought of; ‘salient but solid, unspoken but pivotal. All successful leaders have a high level of self-awareness and discovery. This is what puts them in the position of leadership in the first place!

The 21st century desires leaders who’ve got profound self-knowledge; leaders who appreciate and capitalize on their strengths, capacities and capabilities; while also developing the best intuitive skills; leaders who exude confidence, deep self-esteem, self-worth, and uphold a positive mind-set and attitude towards the events of life. In this age of information, I believe that leaders (or anyone aspiring to be one) must reinvent themselves consistently and update their knowledge with the most relevant information. Are you an aspiring leader? Pick up and read an autobiography of any accomplished leader. You just may find you in there!

Networking and Collaboration (NC). This ‘duo’ is essential for effective leaders in today’s world. Developing the acumen for networking gives you access to people from diverse background, orientation, culture; provides helpful resources as well as connects you to mentors. More, leaders have access to resources and information by virtue of their partnership and alliance with like-minded people, institutions and organizations sharing similar visions and goals. This enables the 21st century leader solve human fundamental problems, multiply his existences-as it were; and more importantly creating life-transforming opportunities for those he leads. This is an indispensable skill the modern leader must seek to birth his vision.

The modern world hinges on NC for its survival and continued existence, and as such, leaders who neglect their networks may just fizzle out in their critical role as leaders. In addition to building strong networks and partnerships, a leader of this age must have good communication skills; develop healthy inter-personal relationships, exhibit diplomatic acumen, emotional intelligence as well as display good team spirit. Zig Ziglar depicts this clearly: “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want” This is what leveraging and networking is about!

Finally, today’s leadership should characterize Strategic and Innovative Thinking. The post-modern environment is no longer conducive for obsolete thinking models. The pace of development and the dynamism of change, coupled with the convergence of the world into one global village not only demands strategic thinking leaders who can proffer practical solutions to the problems of the world, but creative leaders whose ingenuity would heighten innovations in politics, business, health, religion, culture and in every ramification of a society.


The speed of scientific and technological advancement in today’s world can no longer accommodate retrogressive thoughts, ideas and lifestyles. We need leaders whose brains are working consistently (with some rest, of course!) and whose thoughts are progressive, innovative and well-meaning; leaders who understand the perfect distinction between humans and machines, as well as accord each their respective roles; leaders whose morality is guided by sound judgment; leaders who uphold and respect the fundamentality of human dignity; authentic servant-leaders, really!



About the Author:

Fidelis Bonaventure Uzoma, is a Civic Leader, a seasoned Public Speaker and a Human Impact and Development Strategist. He is a graduate of Philosophy; and currently a postgraduate student of Diplomacy and Strategic Studies. He is the Founder of Young African Diplomats Network- an initiative that promotes the United Nations SDGs, good governance and, sanitizes the society through the decency of diplomacy. He is passionate about helping young people discover and harnessing their gifting and potential. He enjoys helping people, as well as empowering, inspiring and affecting lives in the most positive way. He has more helpful thoughts in his blog www.diploimpact.wordpress.com



gay youths

United we Stand

Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value – Albert Einstein

The human society is the most important as well as most complex of all systems. Sociology teaches that we, as social beings need to live our lives in company of other humans. We often organize ourselves into various kinds of social groupings, during which we socialize, interact, work, play, trade, reproduce and flourish.Unlike other animals, we are rational, intelligent and capable of controlling our actions and decisions. Of all God’s creation, we are the highest of beings (And that’s a good thing by the way!) Humans are the determinants of the society: how it runs and what operational modes befit its growth and the benefits we all can enjoy from it. To this end, the civil society is designed to work in the interests, growth and fulfillment of citizens, families and individuals promoting the flourishing and fulfillment of every single individual in the society.

One of the most vital players in the building of a civil society is the youth and the young adult. It is estimated that young people account for one third of the world’s population. A nation or society that neglects its young therefore, has probably neglected its future. The young people are the most dynamic, creative, innovative, strong; and highly instrumental in the growth process and development of any community, nation, state or society. Today, there are more young people in the world than ever before, creating unprecedented potential for political, economic and social progress.

The 21st century is in need of ambassadors of real change and social transformation. Among the many challenges that threaten the youth in Africa for instance are the scourges of poverty, ignorance and illiteracy. On the political level is the existence of bad leadership and corruption especially in developing countries. Unfortunately, authentic morality which of course is the foundation of the society is now being shortchanged for selfishness, consumerism and individualism. The “survival of the fittest” has become the mantra of this generation. For the highly educated, “knowledge” has made them intellectual egotists and promoters of falsehood through poisonous oratory and misguided writings. Economically, resources meant for all has become “all for one”. What is more, self-acclaimed religious leaders, in the name of God, rip off the poor masses and enrich themselves with unimaginable material acquisitions thereby proving clearly Karl Marx’s saying that “religion is the opium of the people”. Globalization? A utopia that promises global unity and peace-not without the vestiges of neo-colonialism, though.

These societal maladies will fester until we direct our focus on the young thinking leaders of this generation. A society that denies its youths in the growth and developmental process does so at its own risk. Thriving countries understand that through the creativity, energy, resourcefulness, character, orientation and intelligence of the 21st century youth, the pace of development and transformation of a society is skyrocketed. A nation finds her motivation in young people’s dreams and hopes; a community develops through their participation and involvement; through their creative talents and power, a society makes giant strides, and experience economic development and overall advancement.

To the young person reading this piece, take a moment to think…and really do that now! Think! Imagine the future of the world if you simply stood up to your fears and took an unapologetic stance of positively affecting your society starting right from your caucus and peers; your school, community, state, country; your world! Imagine the magnanimity of a graceful world if you reinvented yourself, took initiatives and acted as an agent of change. Do you realize what substance you’re made of? I’d tell you: You are simply the most gifted, creative, energetic and highly motivated in the world today! Lets twist it a little: Do you realize what danger you’d probably constitute to the society when you decide neither to study, for instance, nor   grow in knowledge and character? A monumental fiasco! Its a truism that the wrong set of friends can completely mar your purpose and God-given potential! I know this from experience!

Imagine what the world would be if you shunned social vices, spent ample time developing yourself; graduated with excellent grades, kept morally sound and smart people around; You have no grounds to doubt your potential to excel as a Writer, Singer, Lawyer, Journalist, a Medical Doctor, a successful Businessman, a Public Speaker, or whatever dreams God has placed in your heart? What happened to your dreams, by the way!? Why have you relegated those God- inspired dreams and aspirations to the background?

keep at it

It’s about time you liberated yourself from the shackles of mediocrity, purposelessness and social sterility. Are you on the “ground”? Now is the time to look up, get up and never give up! Never, ever allow your background keep your back on the ground. You were born for greatness. Aspire to acquire what you desire. Dream big dreams! Study hard, play hard; build lasting relationships, get mentors, be responsible; be unique; be different! Get involved in the activities that build and uphold. God is on your side. The world is yet to experience what you are made of. The society is counting on you. Africa needs you; your friends need you to succeed. God needs YOU!

Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. – Franz Kafka


What pressures do you face with your peers and how do you cope?.Feel free to share your thoughts.


About the Author:


Fidelis Bonaventure Uzoma, is a Civic Leader,  seasoned Public Speaker and a Human Impact and Development Strategist. He is a graduate of Philosophy; and currently a postgraduate student of Diplomacy and Strategic Studies. He is the Founder of Young African Diplomats Network- an initiative that promotes the United Nations SDGs, good governance and, sanitizes the society through the decency of diplomacy. He is passionate about helping young people discover their gifting and strengths. He enjoys empowering, inspiring and affecting lives positively. He has more profound thoughts in his blog. http://www.diploimpact.wordpress.com





There Is A Story…

The story of humanity is the story of the dialectics of leadership: by this, I mean the continuous rise and fall of a vision, a mission-based edifice,a people, a leader! When I saw Antoine Faqua’s Olumpus Has Fallen, something within me got thrilled, and devastated afterwards. I simply felt sad at the sight of the White House being “down”! More painful was the loss of patriots and innocent citizens. For the better part however, good movies always have a way in resolving conflicts therein. The Trojan War also rings a bell in this respect: lives and properties plundered, city torn down; the invasion of the gods etc.My point: scenarios such as this almost always authenticate leadership as the dictator of virtually everything worthwhile in life.

The World environment today.

The world is characterized by a high level of scientific and technological accomplishments, continuous globalization, social affiliations, and the likes. In my estimation, this era is the most dynamic, rapidly evolving and fast-paced in the history of the world. The realities and circumstances of this day isn’t  the same as that of the medieval or ancient epoch.

What it Implies.

It merely suggests that the extent to which there can be any immense contribution to the dynamism of this century is largely factored on how effective leaders perform, and what solid impact is evidenced by their leadership styles.

Leadership is an Art.

It is the art and practice of taking a people’s vision, hopes, and dreams to the expected end. Napoleon Bonaparte – a one-time charismatic leader of France- defines a “leader as a dealer in hope”. John Quincy Adams would teach that “if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”. On global scale, effective leadershipbis the art of bringing about transformational change in the society by harnessing available resources for the good of humanity as well as the continuous sustenance of the environment.

Who do we Need?

The contemporary world is in need of exemplary, dedicated, and helpful servant- leaders whose passion is geared towards promoting the good and betterment of the led. For a fact, the styles and types of leadership today is predicated and appreciated on delivery and sustainability. This proves veritable when one looks around and observes obvious changes, growth and advancement in the lives and environment of a people whose hopes, needs and expectations were hitherto abashed. It is interesting to note that successful leaders bring a people, (not necessarily to where they want to be), but more importantly, to where they should be.

There are political, religious, economic, cultural, educational leaders in all spheres of the society today, whose roles, styles, delivery, and impactful strategies qualifies as amazing, effective and exemplary for future leaders. There are also those whose leading counteracts the flourishing of its people. For the latter, such leaders lack the necessary ingredients and essential traits quintessential for the leadership of its people.

Basic Principles of Leadership.

The 21st century leadership role places so much emphasis on acquiring key skills and developing character traits, relevant to the demands of today’s world.

Visionary Leadership

Vision is an essential trait of contemporary leaders. This is the ability to see in clear terms what lies ahead. Studies have shown that most real leaders share one singular thing in common as a means of direction: a focused vision. It is as though they live the future, and this is key to any well-meaning, people-oriented leader. Visionary leadership is basically about focusing on what matters most. Vision is what determines the destiny and purpose of the led. The ability to visualize the future from now is a clear distinctive factor in the scope of modern leadership.vision

Political, social, religious and business leaders must be persons with a vision for the future and destiny their people. This is pivotal for where vision is lost, people perish helplessly.

It is also vital that visionary leaders understand the need for consistent focus on what is necessary and important to the existence and betterment of the society. I proffer that a strategic way to developing and activating this trait/skill is by having an understanding of the past and evaluating the present. This clarifies the grey areas of lifeas well as giving the future a prospect. Indeed,future leaders must be eagle-eyed, focused, and optimistic if they want to affect their generation positively.

Mentoring and Effectiveness

Effective leaders have special interests, traits, behavioral patterns and social understanding which provides for institutional progress and structural stability. The leadership style anyone adopts cannot be separated from their learning, background and environment in which they are working. To this end, future global shapers must study the lives and achievements of leaders who have proven themselves exceptional. More, they should learn the things remarkable leaders did differently and build on them using their creativity. They will learn from lives of mentors and afterwards, become role models to potential leaders.

The modern world is clearly unique and as such, the need of the contemporary man is deeply rooted in self- actualization. Thus, the socio-economic dimension of the 21st century centralizes the need for food, clothing and shelter as non-negotiable; but more importantly is the need for education, security, freedom, health, and the protection of human rights. Today’s leaders must fight against all forms of corruption, neo-colonialism, slavery, racial discrimination, inequality and social injustice. Today’s leaders would “heal the world” if they took the burden of the people upon themselves, represented the people’s vision and brought them to the “promise land”.mentor

I’d conclude this piece by asserting that as the Sustainable Development Goals snowballs, it is important that global leaders (the United Nations, IGOs, State-Actors, religious leaders, economic-drivers, modern-day intellectuals, and all who play pivotal role as change-agents in the society) re-visit the need to invest in the youths and young leaders. Truth is, the destiny of the world lies in the hands of the young generation. Taking a cue from the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, we cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future! Global leaders must realize how powerful, innovative, intelligent, and resourceful the young person is, and how instrumental he could be in the execution of global development policies .

When empowered, engaged, and motivated, there is little or no limit to what can be accomplished by today’s young leader. Young and aspiring leaders must however prove themselves worthy of this role by taking the initiative to develop their unique talents, skills, as well as acquiring the most pragmatic knowledge necessary for leadership in the 21st century




We must focus on unity and peace

War is always a failure. It means we’ve failed in diplomacy and we’ve failed in talking to one another.

Martin Firrell

World War II marked the global revolution of the 21st century! But after the war, it became absolutely important for world leaders to devise strategies on how best to ascertain global interests, make mutually benefitting policies, adjust to political demands as well as map out appropriate tactic(s) in addressing global problems within the international system. For some reason, diplomats specifically find themselves falling into this category of leaders.

I had the opportunity of attending a summit on Globalization and Good Governance in the fall of August. In the middle of his presentation, one of the speakers posed a question that seemed quite disturbing to the docile audience. He enquired, “What is the best way to get rid of an uncompromising ally state without losing ties with it?” There was a very brief silence. Then came a deep voice from the audience, “The diplomatic way!” There was a quick laughter from the crowd. That was on a light note, but given some thought, it weighed some pounds of truth.

Strategically, diplomacy seeks to promote friendship and co-operation among individuals, cultures, groups and nations. More, it engages in activities that encourage peace, international security and sustained development within the global sphere. For a fact, the most diplomatic institution in the world is the United Nations.

Everyone is a diplomat of some sort. Something as simple as being polite and courteous, avoiding human conflicts or settling disputes, carefulness in dealing with others, being considerate, patient and understanding; prudence in thought and tact in speech are all symbolic of one’s innate disposition to diplomacy. But on a professional level, diplomats are skilled in managing international relations.

Professional diplomacy is an art; a method and strategy of conducting negotiation(s) between/among nations in a bid to promote peace, foster cooperation, achieve understanding among other objectives.


With my research on the operations of highly effective Diplomats, here are what I consider to be deducible traits of effective diplomats.


A professional diplomat has a good acumen for world history and possesses a profound insight into the workings of the global system. She/he has a touch on virtually all aspects of the society including religion, culture, politics, etc. With this, S/he is effectively able to interpret the facts bordering on world events. Like the Cosmic Philosopher, the world is the diplomat’s laboratory wherein S/he tests, verifies, analyzes issues of relevance and make sound judgments about their implications in real-time.


Although the win-win principle is the goal of negotiation, a diplomat, however, seeks the national interest of the country he represents and pushes for negotiations in line with this requirement. If this is not achieved, he re-directs his strategy until there is a common ground on which both parties can safely land.


For the concerned diplomat, the goal of dialogue is the attainment of understanding. When communication is employed fully, a foreign policy within the domestic and international system becomes achievable. In conflict resolution, a diplomat will employ both the dynamics for mediation and the technique of dialogue to commence a peace process. When on mission, a diplomat is efficient in handling the toughest questions with finesse and polish as well as being prudent but CLEAR on specific terms and deals. Even in the delivery of bad news, the diplomat is careful to not evoke bad feelings! He pays attention to the verbal and non-verbal “vibes” and only speaks when necessary.


The business of diplomacy demands a high level of meticulousness. Jeff Besoz states that “If you don’t understand the details of your business, you are going to fail”. You’d be successful, if you have an eye for details as a diplomat. As it were, the principle lies in the fact that your “clients” deserve the best service.

So, the merit of being flawless in your dealings is a strong plus both to your country and the country you have business with. With experience, exposure and expeditions, diplomats merely see in clear terms the patterns within the international system.

Finally, some thinkers orate diplomacy is timely and the most effective means to maintaining peace and international security today. Others, like Machiavelli plays it as a deceptive game. To what extent are these assertions true? I’d shed some light on this in my next post on “diplomatic talks”!

What qualifies a good diplomat as one? Feel free to share your thoughts. Over to you!



Work is something I dread sometimes. I could wake up early in the morning, feeling all slothful and hesitant. At such moments, I drop back to the bed, indulging for some minutes perhaps with the hope of being revamped; and yes, you guessed it right: the alarm alerts my dead brains! It’s time to get up and get busy! Perhaps, like me, you stumble in the process of reaching out for a cup of coffee! ‘Feels all wrong being awake?

Well, I discovered some basic principles which proved graceful. Truth is, you don’t have to go through the bumpy hurdles of waking up so fatigued and foggy-headed. You can really start everyday enthusiastically! Herein, I’d show you how productive and amazingly fulfilling work can be on a daily basis.

First, Start the Day Refreshed.

It’s as simple as it depicts. Refreshment gets you ready for the day’s job. Too often a time, we engage ourselves in the drudgery of working so hard that we rarely have ample time for a nap. It’s a state of nature that you take a good time to rest.

Studies shows the human brain is well capable of rejuvenating powerful potentials 10 times higher after a good sleep. It simply tells on you when you need more rest: body cramps, fatigue, low productivity etc! Take a minimum 8 hours for a good rest each day. Your body does a whole lot of good, only when you’re in a good state of rest; being ASLEEP actually! Already revamped by a good sleep, get refreshed by heading for the shower straight up. You don’t double-guess, you do not delay! It really does work! This puts you right in the mood for any task for the day.

Determine the Goals For The Day

It is important to have clear-cut goal(s) for the day. Goal-setting could be fun when written in actionable terms. Get a pen and a piece of paper, notepad, your computer…, and write in clear terms your plans for the day. This gives you a proper picture of what you are after and how to go about getting them done. You can only get your brains to do one thing at a time.

Focus On Fewer Projects                                                                                                             
One sure way of getting wasted is to take up many projects at a time. A task well done is far rewarding than many half done. Basically, you needn’t attend a Project Management class to learn the art of choosing a single, achievable task at a time. As a matter of fact, it’s key to prioritise your to-dos. Have a scale of preference for your goals. That way, it’s simple, clear and actionable. If you’ve got problems doing this, you may consider utilising a Task Management software online.

Next, focus on getting the little stuffs done. You can then be sure of handling bigger ones effectively. Dedicate a day, a week, or a month to a single task at a time. You feel fulfilled after having properly executed one task at a time.

Get Rid of Distractions                                                                                                                     
A distracted mind is merely a mind attracted to many things at a time. In my experience with people, I observe-too many a time- how urgent but petty things make goal-driven people all distracted especially to a fault. Research grants that it takes the mind at least 15 minutes to regain FULL concentration after bouts of interruptions.

Ok, what to do? It’s methodic: identify what your distractions are and devise a means of lengthening your attention span. For example, you could choose to reply “pings”, mails, calls etc after you’re done with your work! Whatever it is, be sure it gives you the full freedom to focus.

Remind yourself of the Beauty of Work               

More often than not, the beliefs we hold as true directly affects how we see, appreciate and live out our lives on a daily basis. I believe a prime reason most people rarely get the best out of work is because of the acceptance of wrong over-riding thought patterns. For a fact, there’s a whole lot of Dignity in labour.

So, every morning remind yourself of the benefits of work to your health, career and fulfilment in life. If you perceive work to be as a source of growth, you’d probably be happier after every work done. Honore de Balzac is with you on this; “All happiness depends on work and courage”!!!

Do you consider work a fulfilling experience? Feel free to share your thoughts.

Over to you!